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Organic Carbon Fertilizer, Landscape & Lawn Care

Superior Lawn Care Supplies & Consulting Services

Premiere Products for Landscaping

GroMax is proud to help everyone improve their green thumb!

In addition to providing several high-quality landscape nutrient products, we also specialize in providing in-person lawn care services to ensure your plants have a chance to grow healthily! Whether you’re a landscaper or an amateur home grower, GroMax can help ensure success with general lawn care, on-site soil testing, water quality testing, and permaculture consulting.

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CarbonOne Plant Health Fertilizer Distributor

If you’re ready to take your plant growing abilities to the next level, GroMax is a reputable distributor of CarbonOne revolutionary plant health fertilizer. Invest in the plant equivalent of superfoods and watch your hard work pay off as CarbonOne increases plants root production, which improves overall growth. No matter what you’re growing — vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, shrubs, or grass — the environmentally-safe CarbonOne from GroMax is the answer!

Place your order and get this fertilizer shipped directly to you!


Algae Block Improves Pond Water Quality

In addition to providing must-have resources for helping plants grow, GroMax also supplies Algae Block products. Created with food-grade bacilli bacteria found in probiotic supplements, Algae Block reduces algae growth and improves the water quality in fountains, bird baths, ponds, and water tanks. Place your order online now!

Try it for Yourself

GroMax is the partner arborists, landscapers, home gardeners, and homeowners need to maintain lush, green landscapes and healthy plants. 

Contact us today with any questions and take advantage of our revolutionary products!

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